How to Balance Negative Emotions During the Fall Season in 1 Easy Step

We’re deep into the Fall season here in New Haven, CT, and I’m loving it! Some of you though may be feeling a little off in that you may be feeling confused, inflexible, over-controlling, judgmental, or critical. Maybe you’re even experiencing a sense of grief, whether you have reason to or not. It’s also possible

How to Balance Negative Emotions During the Fall Season in 1 Easy Step Read More »

The Secret Power Behind Getting Projects Started: Part 2

Hey there! Still having trouble getting your Spring projects started or moving efficiently, or are you feeling stuck? Then perhaps we need to get more specific with which energies we need to balance. It’s best to have the ideas you’ve created, strategically planned, and taken action upon to be well under way before Summer comes

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It’s Almost Earth Day and You Don’t Know How You Can Help Heal the Planet. Here’s a Way.

Perhaps one of the best ways you can help heal the planet is by starting with healing yourself first. Since we’re energetically connected to everything, any energy healing you do for yourself will have a beneficial ripple effect of healing on others too (the planet included). Once your energies become balanced, you’ll be in more

It’s Almost Earth Day and You Don’t Know How You Can Help Heal the Planet. Here’s a Way. Read More »

Have Gall Bladder Issues? Here Is a Simple Way to Help Heal Them

Have you noticed the symptoms of your wonky gall bladder at a greater intensity lately? It could be because of our natural connection to the energies of the seasons. The energy running through the gall bladder organ is at a peak during the Spring season. If your energy is already imbalanced in your gall bladder

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Insta-Cleanse: A Simple Energy Medicine Technique For Internal Spring Cleaning

Now that we’re almost done hunkering down to get through the winter months where we’ve likely been eating heavier foods (in a good way) and a diet high in meat, carbs, oils, dairy, alcohol, and warming spices, it’s time for a Spring cleaning. Even if you haven’t followed the natural rhythm of eating the aforementioned

Insta-Cleanse: A Simple Energy Medicine Technique For Internal Spring Cleaning Read More »